Lent Worksheet For Kids – Use these free printables about lent for kids church or sunday school. Last year, our oldest gave up his pillow for 40 days. This wonderful lent worksheet is perfect for discussing this celebrated christian holiday with your children. Read scriptures together as a family.
There are many ways to celebrate (or observe) lent with children, and this is my page that links out to. Lent is a great liturgical season to observe with kids to help teach them about the church year. Catholic school and homeschooling spelling and vocabulary worksheets for kids that center on a lent word theme. This worksheet is one of our many lent activities for ks2 that will help children think about what they could sacrifice during these 40 days.
Lent Worksheet For Kids
Lent Worksheet For Kids
So maybe lamination is a good idea. Use the vocabulary worksheets & coloring printouts to teach your students & children how to spell the words lent, pray, fast, alms, fish, and ashes. This hand print easter prayer craft is a great sunday school or lent learning activity from free kids.
The coloring pages are best suited for older kids and adults alike, in my opinion. Explore links to resources for lenten prayers, stations of the cross, crafts, and books for kids and teens. Here are some simple family activities for lent that can help to connect your family and focus on faith:
This year, there’s talk of daily mass at 0630. Make a list of things you’re grateful for and share it as a family. The lenten worksheet has 2 sides.
Dear jesus, ank you for all you have given me and thank you for the sacri ce you made for me on the cross. This lenten worksheet will help young children practice renewing their baptism. The lesson download below includes the complete teacher notes, worksheets, coloring pages, and craft ideas.
Lent Activities For Children Printables
Lent from Ash Wednesday to Easter Worksheet and Activity Pack Made By
Lent from Ash Wednesday to Easter Worksheet and Activity Pack Made By
FREE Lenten Worksheet For Kids Catholic Sprouts
Printable Lent Worksheets
Activities For Lent Printable
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Gael's Crafty Treasures Lenten Path Calendar Printable Click here for
Lenten Worksheet for Children Free Catholic Sprouts